Тренинг дома - ролерот Tacx Galaxia го овозможува тоа. Благодарение на патентираниот систем за осцилации, овој напреден тренер со ролери може да апсорбира забрзување напред и назад за да можете напорно да тренирате и во затворен простор.
SKU : T1100
Training at home - the Tacx Galaxia roller trainer makes it possible. Thanks to the patented oscillation system, this advanced roller trainer can absorb forward and backward acceleration so that you can train hard indoors too.
The Galaxia trainer is built on a swing system that ensures the roller trainer can swing forwards and backwards. When you sprint, change pace or stand on the pedals, the system absorbs the sudden movement so you don't ride off the trainer.
Conical rollers ensure greater stability when riding, as they ensure that the bike always remains centered on the roller.
Don't worry if you don't have a lot of space, the Galaxia folds up for easy storage.