

Garmin им носи мир на мотоциклистите со новиот радар Zumo R1 - линк  

GARMIN ActiveCaptain™ апликација

Апликација „Сè-во-едно“ за врвно искуство со пловење со поврзување

– OneChart™ ви овозможува да пристапите и да ги ажурирате сите ваши графикони и мапи од вашиот мобилен уред и да купувате нови за да ги користите на вашиот графикотер
– Добивајте паметни известувања, како што се повици и текстуални пораки, на екранот на графичкиот плотер кога се споени со апликацијата
– Поврзете се со колегите бродари во заедницата ActiveCaptain за ажурирани повратни информации за пристаништа и други точки на интерес
– Направете, зачувајте и префрлете маршрути и точки на движење помеѓу апликацијата и графиконот — со нула притискање на копчињата¹
– Лесно прикачувајте ја и преземете ја најновата содржина Garmin Quickdraw™ Contours од заедницата – со нула притискање на копчињата

Active Captain App

The free all-in-one ActiveCaptain mobile app allows you to manage your marine experience from nearly anywhere. It creates a simple yet powerful connection between your compatible mobile device and chartplotter, charts, maps and the community.

Access Charts and Maps Anywhere

Whether you’re out on the water or at home planning your next trip, the built-in OneChart feature keeps your cartography within reach. Once you download the ActiveCaptain app and sync with your chartplotter, you can access and update your maps and chartsfrom your mobile phone at any time. Even purchase new maps and charts from the OneChart storefront in the app, and see them on your chartplotter.

Charts and Maps

Stay Connected

The ActiveCaptain app keeps you connected to the world, but only when you want to be. You can turn on smart notifications to see calls, text messages and more on your chartplotter display while your phone is tucked away somewhere safe and dry.

Stay Connected

ActiveCaptain Community

You probably turn to fellow boaters when you want to know more about marinas and other points of interest in the area. Now you can connect with members of the ActiveCaptain Community to get up-to-date feedback — no matter where you are.

ActiveCaptain Community

Mobile Quickdraw Community

Quickdraw Contours software makes it easy to create your own HD maps with 1’ contours. The Quickdraw Contours Community makes it easy to upload and share your Quickdraw Contours map data with your fellow boaters. Or, with zero button presses1, you can download the latest community content.

Quickdraw Community

Simple Syncing

In the app, you can easily plan a trip or pre-fish a lake, and ActiveCaptain will automatically sync with your chartplotter. Any marked waypoints and routes will seamlessly transfer between your chartplotter and the app, so you can access them anywhere.


Updates from the App

Once you pair your chartplotter with the app, you won’t have to worry about bringing an SD™ card to the boat and back again. Thanks to the wireless connection, your chartplotter will receive notifications and updates directly from the app.

Control Your Chartplotter

Sometimes you don’t want to stand on the bridge and control your chartplotter. The ActiveCaptain app lets you view and control your chartplotter from your smartphone or tablet.


¹Zero button presses applies to GPSMAP® chartplotters only